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Terms of Service

  • All prices and quotes are in USD

  • Price quotes are valid for up to 60 days and are finalized as soon as initial payment is received.

  • A commission will only be accepted if the customer is able to provide a 2-view reference sheet, refernce photos from multiple angles, or similar reference. Unless otherwise specified at time of commission all features of a reference sheet will be assumed to be part of the head and included in the final product.

  • ​Kvothe's Workshop will attempt to meet special requests and design changes presented at time of commission but retains the right to reject any modifications necessary after such time or if the initial request is deemed unreasonable. Any changes to design must be requested as soon as possible and may be rejected by Kvothe's Workshop for any reason.

  • Down payments are not refundable 7 days after initial payment for any reason.​

  • ​Minors cannot purchase a Protogen head. If you are under the age of 18 you must have a commission submitted by a legal guardian.

  • ​Commission will be paid by the following schedule: 30% down when commission is accepted to pay for supplies. Remaining 70% paid when the work begins. Shipping costs paid when work is complete. (Shipping costs not included in quote and will be calculated after commission has been completed and is ready to ship)

  • Payment plans are allowed for the remaining 70% of cost upon request to Kvothe's Workshop. Protogen head will not be shipped until payment is received in full.

  • If the customer misses payment date of a payment plan by more than 1 month, or has not completed full payment of commission within 1 month of the completion of a commission, the Protogen head will become sole property of Kvothe's Workshop and the customer will cede any right to the ownership of said Protogen head. The head may be resold by Kvothe's Workshop after changing the identifying logos of the original commission.

  • ​All items are a one size fits all. If there are any size requests please mention them before the first payment.

  • Standard ground shipping with full shipping insurance will be covered by Kvothe's Workshop, any other shipping methods must be covered by the customer at time of final payment

  • Customer assumes all responsibility for the Protogen heads as soon as they are provided to the carrier. Any damage incurred during the shipping process is not the responsibility of Kvothe's Workshop and will not be compensated for. Kvothe's Workshop will provide its best efforts to package the commission as safely as possible.

  • ​If the Protogen head suffers from normal wear and tear during use Kvothe's Workshop can be contacted for guidance on basic repairs. If an electrical issue occurs or damage to the fur is too extreme to fix the head can be shipped back to Kvothe's Workshop to be repaired. Customer is responsible for covering cost of shipping but damage will be repaired at no cost. If the hard plastic of the head or core elements are damaged significantly Kvothe's Workshop may be contacted to assess the possibility of repair and what the cost of such repairs might be.

  • ​Any expected deadlines should be brought to the attention of Kvothe's Workshop before the first payment is received.​

  • ​​Any estimation of completion is not legally binding. Kvothe's Workshop will attempt to complete the commission by the estimated date. Estimates are provided for the benefit of the customer but delays and unforeseen changes may occur.

  • ​Commissioning Kvothe's Workshop is considered to be permission to share images of customers and commissions on websites, advertisements, and social media. Reasonable efforts will be made to obscure the identity of the customer whenever possible. Customer may request removal of their person from websites, social media, and advertisements.​

  • By commissioning Kvothe's Workshop it is assumed you have read and agreed to all terms and conditions above.

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